My passion is to understand how and why we heal, and to support others on their journey to wellness. I know that we each can heal on some level, whether it is making a full recovery from an illness, rediscovering the joy in life, or finding one’s true mission. The meaning of wellness is to live fully and authentically, with passion and purpose. In order to do this we need energy, focus, clarity and balance. Physical illness and life challenges sometimes show up to offer us a sign that we are off course, and often include the directions for how to get back.
Each person’s blueprint is different, as our lives, experiences and bodies differ. This is why reading the right book or following the right diet may not produce the lasting change that we are seeking. A process that recognizes each person’s individuality and is designed to uncover, heal and restore, in a very personalized way, is required. My mission is to offer this support and guidance for everyone seeking to live as the most joyful and healthy version of themselves.